Navy fighter jet plunges into Virginia Mayfair Mews Apartments

A U.S. F-18 military fighter jet plunged to the ground crashing into some apartments close to Virginia Beach, Virginia, spreading fire and dense dark smoke into the air, witnesses and officials said (scroll down for photos and video).

F-18 navy plane smashed in apartment complex in Virginia Beach (public domain)

F-18 navy plane smashed in apartment complex in Virginia Beach (public domain)

According to medical reports, at least 4 people were harmed so far. They were transported to the nearby hospital.

One of the pilots and a person who was on the ground were given medical attention, but the nature and extent of their injuries have not been unveiled yet.

Pat Kavanaugh, a rescue team member, said that both plane crew member catapulted but only one was found. “He was in shock and still tied to his seat,” Kavanaugh told CNN

The jet collapsed over the Mayfair Mews Apartment complex in Virginia Beach, revealed the U.S. Rep. Scott Rigell’s office, whose district contains Virginia Beach.

The aircraft was part of a training squadron at the Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, the U.S. Navy and FAA announced. The pilots of the two-seater F/A-18 ejected, but their situationis not clear yet.

Witness George Pilkington told media that he spotted the jet flying low, with its nose up and tail down, leaking fuel. The engine was straining, he added. “It flew above the top of my truck at low range and ejecting,” Pilkington said.
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Military jet dived into Virgiania Beach's Mayfair Mews Apartments. Photo:Colin Mackay

The airplane came to rest after hitting the apartments site and black smoke and blaze overwhelmed the accident spot. Following the impact one building was demolished as revealed by video footages from WTKR tv station and Reuters (see video below). Part of plane’s wreckage was seen on the ground at short distance.

Fire trucks, ambulances and police vehicles rushed to incident location as smoke was spreading the surroundings.

Zack Zapatero, a person present at the incident site, disclosed that the F-18 crashed into an apartment building inhabited by senior citizens. He took pictures of the devastation.

“Buildings began to fall to ground,” he said of the debris site. “Through the smoke, you could see the rear of the plane lying in the courtyard,” Zapatero added.

Video: U.S. F-18 Navy jet crashed into Virginia Beach apartments