Video: Adrian Nastase tried to commit suicide shortly after conviction in Quality Trophy file

Romanian ex-prime minister Adrian Nastase reportedly attempted to kill himself and wounded his neck after apparently using a 9-mm caliber handgun, claimed sources cited by Romanian news media (scroll down for video).

Injured: Adrian Nastase taken to hospital after trying to shoot himself. Photo: Antena3

Nastase was picked up by ambulance from his home and taken to Bucharest’s Floreasca Hospital Wednesday night.

When removed from his Zambaccian residence, the politician was seen lying on a stretcher with closed eyes, covered with a blue blanket and having a scarf wrapped around his neck.

Previously, Adrian Nastase’s house was visited by police. According to various sources, the legal procedure requires that before incarceration the defendant must be examined by a doctor.

Nastase has to serve a 2-year-sentence in jail after being convicted today (20 June 2012) in “Quality Trophy” file. Furhermore the USL politician received also a ban on more rights for a period of 5 years.

Adrian Nastase who suffered self-inflicting gunshot injury, is seen lying on a stretcher and having a collar around neck

Adrian Nastase shot himself with a revolver. Preliminary reports indicated that he suffered self-inflicted injuries to his neck and the bullet remained in his body.

Romanian Police confirmed that Nastase tried to commit suicide when officers showed him the arrest warrant following today’s conviction. “The vital functions are stable therefore Nastase’s life is not in danger,” said the authorities.

According to representatives of Floreasca Emergency Hospital, Adrian Nastase suffered three neck wounds caused by shooting with a 9 mm pistol and he is schedule to undergo surgery.

Prime Minister Victor Ponta rushed to Floreasca Hospital. “I wanted to see how a troubled man feels. I could not stay at home because I care about him. It is my right and duty to be with him in these moments. I’ll wait all night long for news about his condition.” Sources:,,

Video: Moments when Adrian Nastase is taken by ambulance
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10 Responses

  1. Elena says:

    Cu Nastase s-a facut o mare nedreptate . A fost cel mai bun premier si Traian Basescu, presedintele bolnav al Romaniei impreuna cu serviciile secrete i-au facut dosare, i-au contrafacut probe, l-au impins la sinucidere. Aceasta este Romania in care traim. Un stat politienesc, de tip mafiot, condus de o trupa de securisti!

    • Simon says:

      Nu pot spune că Năstase a fost un Sfânt in materie de politică, insă nu există termen de comparatie intre el si Jagardeaua Sconxoasă & Mârlănească de ScârBăsescu, futu-i Mortii & rănitii de Uzurpator Nemernicit !!! Are si Năstase păcatele lui, dar pe plan personal este un intelectual first class & super gentleman. 🙁
      Are u happy now of your work/masterpiece, Bloody Ex-Sailor ~ ScumBăsescu ???!!!

    • Hucko says:

      Asa este Elena. Din pacate noi, romanii, avem un talent extraordinar sa ne distrugem valorile. Cred ca s-a ajuns prea departe. Ceva trebuie sa se schimbe in tara asta. Nu poti condamna pe cineva impotriva caruia nu ai probe directe.

  2. hans says:

    save yourself the murderer of President Basescu romania

  3. elena says:

    With Nastase made ​​a great injustice. It was the best prime minister and Traian Basescu, President of Romania sick with intelligence have made ​​records, and samples were counterfeit, he drove to suicide. This is Romania where we live. State police, the mafia, led by a band of Intelligence!

  4. foxcrawl says:

    Some people are happy with Nastase’s conviction, others regret his sentencing,,,therefore it’s quite hard to figure out the right justice? Was he guilty or not? Difficult to give an answer…

  5. Bogdan says:

    In Romania the justice is quite low, I don’t have the felling of justice, anything but revenge.
    In short words, the prosecutors, special services are in the hand of President. The prosecutors are very much oriented against his political counterparts.

    In the last 8 years the President and his party produced A LOT of material for honest prosecutors to take a look there. Romania doesn’t have that yet. Who’s in power puts in jail who’s in opposition.
    Our only hope is that when the other ones will be in power, the actual President and his party man will have the same treatment.

    And in that moment will all could say: The justice has been done!

    Til then, just a very low country, with a guy dictating everything. Just a dictator for now. Maybe the next convict.

  6. Sapphire says:

    De necontestat ca e f inteligent, este adevarat ca a realizat ceva mai mult decat alti ministri, cat timp a fost premier, dar cu ce pret si sa nu uitam cine a platit pt a salva lefurile de barosani ale ministrilor, deputatilor si senatorilor, in concluzie a hoardei de atunci.
    Nu ma bucur de ce i s-a intamplat, chiar imi pare rau, ii urez sanatate, pana la urma adevarul va iesi la iveala
    Mi-aduc aminte de anul 2000, cand a fost numit premier, ” FMI” a insistat ca guvernul Romaniei sa mareasca salariile functionarilor publici, care erau cu mult sub salariul unei femei de serviciu de la o banca, nu erau inca aceste agentii de curatenie. Si premierul cum a rezolvat? Impreuna cu Tanasescu, ministrul de finante de atunci, au hotarat sa trimita in somaj sute de functionari publici. Raportat la nr de angajati, de la INS au fost cei mai multi aruncati in somaj, nu 20%,ci 25%. N-au lasat fara acea paine amara noii angajati, pilele luii Camara si a altor bosi de atunci, ci oameni cu experienta, aproape de pensionare si fara pile. Un barbat la 50-56 ani nu-l mai vrea nimeni, o femeie dupa 40 ani… nici la vandut flori n-au vrut tiganii, ca deh! trebuie sa aiba experienta… A fost o tragedie, infarcturi, paralizii, cunosc familii care si-au pierdut casele si stau inghesuiti intr-o garsoniera, si cine stie ce-o mai fi fost.
    A interesat pe cineva?
    In ziua cand am fost la serv.personal sa predau ecusonul, legitimatia si cartela de acces, am vazut pe masa unui inspector o legitimatie noua a unei noi angajate, iar in ian.2002 cand s-a facut noua organigrama, pe posturile libere, nu au fost rechemati cei trimisi in somaj, doar 2-3, doar pile, nepoti, nepotele, frati, surori etc.
    Eu am fost angajata la statistica fara nici o pila, dar a trebuit sa suport multe, sa inghit si sa muncesc ca sa nu dau motiv de “suparare” si nu de la directorii vechi, dumnealor imi apreciau munca si interesul, ci de la niste neica nimeni, latratori. Cand acest Camara a fost investit presedintee INS-ului, omul lui Nastase, a obligat ca tot staff-ul statisticii sa demisioneze, sa plece sau sa iasa la pensie. Putini au reusit sa ramana.
    Tin sa precizez ca un om de statistica se formeaza in ani buni de munca, chiar si pana la 10, dar psd-ul a vrut sa aibe in maini statistica, care se stie, este motorul unei tari. In concluzie, bombonel a avut o mare contributie la caderea statisticii, a nenorocit sute de familii, in rest NO COMMENT, stie el mai bine.
    M-am limitat doar la experienta personala si cele vazute si auzite de mine personal.

    Nu ma pot abtine, l-au ajuns lacrimile celor nenorociti… A gustat si el din nedreptate, e amara “domnule nastase”?

  7. Miros says:

    Adrian Nastase wanted to protest about the injustice that was made. President Traian Basescu and his “company” are guilty for this!

  8. Aub says:

    It is a big fat lie. I cannot believe it is had come to this. Why on earth would you try to kill yourself by shooting in the neck?! And furthermore, how can you miss, considering the fact that you are such a good hunter? No blood squirting out of your body? Oh wait… it doesn’t matter if he’s about to die, at least LET’S CHANGE HIS CLOTHES. I just can’t believe romanians are this stupid and Năstase this lame. Once again it has been proved that our politicians (all of them) are capable of just about anything. I hope this proves to be a scam and he gets triple.