Japan makes successful launch of rocket Epsilon

After several failed attempts Japan launched successfully the rocket Epsilon, the only Japanese rocket that managed to get into space in the past 12 years, indicating that there is hope for the Asian country to enter the satellite launch industry.

Japanese Rocket Epsilon

Japanese rocket Epsilon lifted off successfully and ventured into space (Credit: Japan Space Agency Jaxa)

The rocket lifted off on Saturday at 14:00 local time (5:00 GMT) from Uchinoura space center situated between forested mountains from Kagoshima prefecture (southern archipelago). Epsilon is designed to put into orbit a satellite-telescope for observing the solar system, according to Japan Space Exploration Agency of Japan (Jaxa).

The rocket which consists of three segments, is about half the size of Japanese rocket H2A and was presented as a new alternative with low costs.

Before Saturday event, the launching was delayed twice due to technical problems. A launch scheduled on August 27 was canceled in the last moments just 19 seconds before ignition.
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According to Reuters, the successful launch brings Japan a step closer to its goal to enter to and profit from the international satellite launch industry, a lucrative field that moves forward.

The small size of the rocket and a computerized system that allows it to do its own verification system points to quick assembly thus enabling operators to reduce the personnel and equipment costs.

Control of the launch sequence can be done using conventional computers which provide reduced costs and enhanced mobility.

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