Rory McIlroy to break up with Caroline Wozniacki after Twitter photo posting. Danish tennis player denies split allegations

According to most recent gossips, Northern Irish golfer Rory McIlroy would have suddenly decided to pull the plug of his relationship with the Danish female tennis player Caroline Wozniacki (scroll down for photo).

Furthermore various tabloids reported that Wozniacki does not digest well the harsh moments allegedly being devastated by Rory’s decision.

The reason behind the unverified split between the two athletes was Caroline’s “daring” initiative to post on the social microblogging website Twitter a photo of Rory while sleeping! “Rory was extremely upset,” would have said a friend close to the sports couple.

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In an interview for newspaper Ekstra Bladet on Monday, she said: (Note: raw translation from Danish language)
“I am quite tired of all these rumors. They emerge every time Rory and I are apart a few days or do not post anything on Twitter. Nothing is true, and as of now I just think about keeping my private life private. It is so upsetting that the media and the so-called sources constantly spread the gossip. Practicaly they publish just what they wish.
“(…) our relationship is well and nice and there is not much more to tell about it. I just wish to be permitted to live my life off the court without all kind of speculation.”

Rory McIlroy Sleeping

Rory McIlroy is seen sleeping after girlfriend Caroline Wozniacki posted a tweet with the golfer’s photo attached (Twitter)

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