Radar image shows Nazi “treasure” train discovered in Poland

An image allegedly proving the existence of a lost Nazi train thought to be loaded with gold, was presented by two men who are now claiming 10% of cargo’s value.

The two explorers who claim to have discovered an armored Nazi train that had been buried at the end of the Second World War near Walbrzych in southwestern Poland, unveiled a picture that would have been recorded with a soil scanning radar.

nazi gold train poland

Radar scan image allegedly showing the Nazi gold train

On the website owned by the two men, there is an image obtained with a GPR KS-700 radar and showing a 3D section of the underground with a visible tilted tunnel that would reach the depth of 50 meters.

Pole Piotr Koper and German Andreas Richter went public on TV on Friday when they claimed to have evidence about a train suspected to have carried a treasure at the end of WWII. This was the first public appearance of the two men, who had communicated only via their lawyers so far.

They said that the information about their discovery was leaked in media by the public authorities.
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The director for the conservation of monuments in Poland, Piotr Zuchowski, declared in late August that he is 99% convinced of the existence of the German WWII train whose recent discovery sparked excitement among the public and the hunters of treasures.

Old stories say a Nazi train filled with gold, gems and guns disappeared near the city of Walbrzych in 1945.

The Polish government has already warned treasure hunters that the train hidden in southwestern Poland could be mined and contain explosive materials.

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