Saudi Arabia witch sentenced for illegal practices

A woman sentenced to death for witchcraft was executed on Monday in Saudi Arabia, AFP writes.

“Amina bent Abdelhalim Nassar was beheaded in northern province of Jawf,” said Interior Minister of Saudi Arabia, quoted by news agency Spa. Witchcraft is a practice forbidden in Islamic countries and Saudi Arabia is known for the strictness of laws and harsh punishments.

The number of beheading execution cases raised to 73 in Saudi Arabia since January 2011.

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According to AI, 27 people were executed in 2010 in the ultra-conservative country, 67 in 2009 and 102 in 2008.

Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery, drug trafficking are crimes punishable with death penalty in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic law, Sharia, is closely followed.

2 Responses

  1. rt says:

    your article shows how little you know about the islamic sharia as even saudi arabia doesnt follow it closely or at all in most cases

    • foxcrawl says:

      according to the present conviction it looks like Saudi follows it very closely…and you don’t have to be an expert of middle-east laws.