Mikhail Kalashnikov dead. AK-47 assault rifle inventor died at 94

Mikhail Kalashnikov, the designer of famous Soviet semi-automatic rifle AK-47, died on Monday at the age of 94, according to authorities in the Russian Republic of Udmurt, cited by the Russian official news agency Itar-Tass agency (scroll down for video).

Mikhail Kalashnikov 1949

Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1949 shortly after inventing his famous AK-47 assault rifle (Wikimedia CC0)

A spokesman for the company Kalashnikov confirmed the information without providing details.

“Mikhail Kalashnikov’s entire life is a shining example of dedication to serving your country,” said a statement from Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed “deep condolences” when heard about the sudden passing of the military mastermind.

In November, Mikhail Kalashnikov was connected to ventilators in a hospital in Izhevsk, the capital of Udmurt region, 1,300 kilometers east of Moscow.

Mikhail was born in 1919 as the seventeenth child of well-off peasants. At the age of 11, during Joseph Stalin’s collectivization campaign, his parents had their land confiscated, and the entire family was exiled to Siberia (a fact rarely mentioned in fawning Soviet-era biographies).
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As the nation started to mobilize in wake of a imminent war, yet undeclared, Kalashnikov decided to join a tank brigade. His skills for engineering were quickly noticed.

Mikhail Kalashnikov invented the AK-47 submachine gun in 1947 after being wounded in the World War II.

The iconic automatic weapon is still produced in modern versions at Ijmach plant in the city of Izhevsk, Udmurtia.

Video: AK-47 engineer and designer Mikhail Kalashnikov passed away at 94

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