Sinai drama: Metrojet passenger plane crash caused by bomb blast plotted by Islamic State?

Evidence gathered so far suggests that a bomb planted by Islamic State militants on board of Metrojet plane would have caused the crash of the Russian chartered passenger aircraft on Saturday, informed various sources cited by Reuters (scroll down for video).

The Islamic States, which has been fighting the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula, reiterated on Wednesday its responsibility for downing Kogalymavia Flight 9268, adding that in the end they will disclose how the overall plot took place.

Metrojet plane wreckage (pic: Twitter)

Metrojet plane wreckage (pic: Twitter)

“It is believed that there was an explosion, but is not clear how it occurred. There is an ongoing criminal investigations at the crash site. This will help determine the cause and see if there are traces of explosives,” said an Egyptian source close to the investigation.

Russian aviation officials said the probe takes into consideration that an object placed on board may have triggered the disaster. “There are two options to be considered now: something smuggled on the plane and a technical problem. But a plane can not simply break apart in midair – there must have been some kind of external action. There is no sign that a missile was involved in the accident,” said the Russian official.

A US infrared satellite spotted the doomed jet right before the crash and detected what appears to be an explosion thought to have been caused by a bomb or the fuel tank, said US defense officials Monday evening, quoted by NBC News.
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A passenger plane which was traveling from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to Russian city of St. Petersburg with 224 people on board, crashed in central Sinai Peninsula.

The Airbus A321 that fell for Egypt’s sky on Saturday was in an “excellent technical condition” and only an “external action” could explain the crash of the charter flight, said airline Metrojet in a statement which excludes the human error possibility.

Video: ISIS bomb explosion likely to have caused Metrojet Flight 9268 crash in Sinai

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