VIDEO: Argument near Air Force One at Hangzhou Airport ahead of G20 summit

Incident between US and Chinese officials seems to have pushed the two-day G20 summit a little into shadow! As Barack Obama landed on Chinese soil, a local government agent shouted: “This is our country. This is our airport” (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO).

Air Force One Boeing VC-25A

Air Force One (public domain)

A Chinese official was involved in an verbal dispute with members of the US delegation shortly after Air Force One landed in Hangzhou and before the President got off his plane.

First, the Chinese guy tried to prevent the US national security adviser Susan Rice from getting close to President’s motorcade as she crossed a media rope line, speaking angrily to her. Rice responded but her remarks could not be heard clearly by journalists standing underneath presidential plane’s wing. It is suspected that the official might have confused Rice with a reporter. However, the prompt intervention of the US Secret Service agents appears to have solved the issue and ended the row.

The same official shouted at the White House Press aide who was giving indications to reporters as they recorded Obama coming out of the plane.

The aide tried to explain that the journalists should remain in place behind a rope line, as they would be able to record Obama’s arrival uninterrupted, a typical practice for U.S. press traveling with the president.

“- This is our plane. We’re standing under the wing”, said the aide.
“- This is our country! This is our airport! Okay”, the Chinese responded.
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The Presidents of the two countries did not seem affected by the tense moments between the their staffs and drank tea together last night on the side of a lake. Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, had a walk and talked about various issues beyond the summit’s agenda.

Their friendly discussion came just hours after the tensions between the US delegation and Chinese officials emerged on the tarmac. Meanwhile, during a meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Barack Obama tried to play down the airport incident saying that this kind of “frictions” are not new for the US delegation but the media should be let to do its job properly. As for the Chinese side, they invested unlimited resources to make things go smooth at this summit, but their expectations took apparently a different way. The G20 summit is the most important and prestigious international meeting ever held by China and everything had to be perfect…or maybe not.

40 foreign leaders and senior officials from 20 countries are set to meet on Sunday in Hangzhou for the annual summit of the G20 group. Economic growth, security and global warming are the main topics on the agenda, but analysts expect a little more commitment and concrete action from this gathering.

G20, which includes world’s most industrialized countries but also some emerging economies, represents 85% of the global GDP and two thirds of Earth’s population.

Video: Quarrel at Hangzhou Airport Between US-Chinese Officials Before G20 Summit

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