Doggerland, submerged country, found by British scientists. Story of Atlantis city

Sunken realm Doggerland was found, mapped by British scientists.

Doggerland, an area lying off the coast of Britain was flooded between 18,000 BC and 5,500 BC. The land which is located somewhere between northern Scotland and Denmark, was discovered by British scientists, informs

Doggerland contained the territory which is today the English Channel and Channel Islands and that region was inhabitated by tens of thousands of people.

After a 15-year-hunt, Doggerland story will be presented at the Summer Science Exhibition organized by the Royal Society.

British scientists said that the land was once Europe’s real center until it was destroyed by a “devastating tsunami.”

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This project is a joint research between the University of St. Andrews with the universities of Birmingham, Wales, Dundee and Aberdeen.

Doggerland was discovered with the help of innovative scientific techniques which allowed scientists find out the story of the sudden changes of scenery and the climate through Europe.

The exhibition opened by the Royal Society shows the Mesolithic populations of the lost land through artifacts recovered from the bottom of the North Sea. These artifacts – mainly fragments of weapons used by people of that time and animal bones – are dating from different centuries.